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Narrative report - IAS Educational Fund LAC Symposium

Narrative report outlining key recommendations made during the IAS Educational Fund symposium for Latin America and the Caribbean held in parallel to the API Congress on 5 August 2021 with the theme The pandemic era'...

Session 2 - Sesión 2

Combatting co-infections: HIV and TB   Luchando contra las coinfecciones: El VIH y la tuberculosis   Comb...

Session 3 - Sesión 3

Let's focus on what matters: Key populations and the next generation   Centrémonos en lo que importa: Poblaciones claves y la próxima generación   ...

Session 1 - Sesión 1

From HIV to COVID-19: Working towards a post-pandemic world   Del VIH al COVID-19: Trabajando hacia un mundo pospandémico  

Haiti post-meeting report

IAS Educational Fund meeting held in Haiti in November 2018.